Men's Virtual Colour Analysis Voucher


Find your best colours in a virtual colour analysis:

  • Learn your undertone

  • Find out your chroma & colour value

  • Join Alarna Hope on Zoom to discuss your best colours and why they suit you

  • Get a downloadable digital colour palette tailored to your personal colouring

Prices are inclusive of GST. Vouchers are valid for 3 years from purchase date. Vouchers purchased in November or December, will last until Christmas, three years from purchase.

Purchase & Download

Find your best colours in a virtual colour analysis:

  • Learn your undertone

  • Find out your chroma & colour value

  • Join Alarna Hope on Zoom to discuss your best colours and why they suit you

  • Get a downloadable digital colour palette tailored to your personal colouring

Prices are inclusive of GST. Vouchers are valid for 3 years from purchase date. Vouchers purchased in November or December, will last until Christmas, three years from purchase.

Find your best colours in a virtual colour analysis:

  • Learn your undertone

  • Find out your chroma & colour value

  • Join Alarna Hope on Zoom to discuss your best colours and why they suit you

  • Get a downloadable digital colour palette tailored to your personal colouring

Prices are inclusive of GST. Vouchers are valid for 3 years from purchase date. Vouchers purchased in November or December, will last until Christmas, three years from purchase.

How do I download the voucher?

After you purchase your voucher, you’ll receive an automated email containing a download link. Once you click that, a .zip file will save to your computer. Go to your downloads folder, click on the .zip file to unpack it and you’ll see your gift certificate and welcome pack for the session in a folder. It’s best to email the welcome pack to your gift recipient as it contains links, if you want to print the gift certificate and put it in a card for your giftee, you can do so by opening the gift certificate file and clicking print.

How does it work?

  • Give the Gift Certificate to your loved one, email them the Welcome Pack.

  • They’ll get in touch with me to arrange a time for their session.

  • They’ll join me on Zoom for their personal colour analysis session

  • Afterwards, they’ll receive a copy of their Zoom session recording and a digital colour palette designed just for them.

How soon can this session be booked?

All virtual sessions are booked on Mondays. Most clients can expect to have their session within a fortnight. At busy times of year, this may change. If we are heavily booked or booked out far in advance, a banner will be visible at the top of the page indicating how far ahead we’re booked.

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