Shop For Vouchers, Courses & Guides
Looking to book a session?
Wardrobe Makeovers
How are vouchers delivered?
All of the items in our online store are digital downloads, meaning, you’ll be emailed the item you purchased following your payment. If you’ve purchased a voucher, this will be emailed to you also. If you can’t see the email, search ‘Alarna Hope’ in your emails as it may have been filtered into another inbox.
What is the expiry on vouchers?
Three years from the date of purchase.
What’s the best way to give someone the gift voucher?
Print the voucher page you’ll be emailed. There is also a welcome pack which you can print or email, when it comes time for booking in, I’ll email the person you’ve given your voucher to with the welcome pack also.
What are your refund and exchange policies?
You can find them all here.
If I buy a voucher, do you do the service? Or do you have staff running the sessions?
All personal services are run one on one, directly with me.
I got given a voucher, how do I book it?
Go to the service page for your booking, click to book dates and see what is available and then get in touch with the date you’ve chosen and I’ll book it in for you. Please note, if you have a voucher that includes a home visit, travel fee’s may apply to those outside of the free-travel zone.