Alarna Hope

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What To Look For In Perfect Fit Jeans

No one likes a saggy denim bum except Eminem, and he's not the look we're going for today.

So, when it comes to finding the perfect fit jeans, no matter what your style or shape, you need to ensure you're picking something that's good quality, that fits you well and will fit you in three months time once you've worn them in a little.

There's nothing more annoying than spending good money on clothing and then having it not fit three months down the track. So today I wanted to share my denim wisdom with you because I help people buy jeans almost every day. Doing this for some years has taught me quite a bit about their wear and tear.

Understand The Sizing - Use My Jeans Sizing Guide

When you shop for your jeans, you should first understand the sizing structure so that you don't assume you're a certain size and end up with something less than perfect. There are two sizes involved when shopping for jeans and they're usually displayed a little something like this: 30x32. What the first number refers to is your waist, and the second number refers to the length of the jean. If you're buying high-rise jeans, take a size smaller into the fitting room with you and if you're buying low-rise jeans (why) take a size bigger too.

If you're unsure of where you measure up on the jeans sizing front, I've made a little handy table below for you.

Once You've Worked Out The Sizing

The next thing you want to do is try a size down, I say this not because I want you to have a muffin top and or any bulges around the hip or waist area, but because when you buy a pair of jeans they should be verging on uncomfortable so that when they mould to your body, you're not left with extra saggy jeans.

If you struggle to find pants to fit your waist, and you usually have the problem of a gaping waistband in this area, size your jeans to fit your backside and thighs and have the waist taken in. This way you won't start sagging in the thighs and backside and have an even looser waistband. If you consider yourself plus-size and struggle to know what to style your skinny jeans with, I wrote a little post about that here!

Check The Jeans Don't Have A High Elastane Property

A big reason perfect fit jeans start to turn slobbish and sag faster than usual is that the elastic has stretched too much. Jeans are much stretchier now than they used to be and it's partly to do with jeggings (a super stretchy legging jean which you should stay away from) and companies wanting you to buy jeans more often. The jeans you end up purchasing should have a little stretch, but they should still feel firm.

Know What Alterations To Get

Apart from having the waist taken in if you have a smaller waist and bigger thighs, a common alteration is to have your jeans taken up and tapered in. Having them tapered in means that the jean will fit close to your leg and will look like more of a natural fit, rather than getting a thick ankle look when you shorten them.

Every time a jean is cut, it's cut in a shape that matches the curve of your leg, but it won't match your leg if you have any of the fabric taken up, so tapering the jean when you have to hem them is essential to getting that fit perfect.

Pay Attention To The Details

The number of jeans that I've had clients donate would probably fill my entire apartment and it's not only because the jeans have lost their elasticity, but because the detailing is dated or unflattering.

The best type of jean to invest in is a classic, dark wash or black jean that has minimal or zero fading on the legs, thighs and backside, high pocket placement (for a toosh lift) and has a classic caramel toned thread with very little pocket detailing.

The perfect fit jeans or perfect because they have the least detail and therefore longevity in your wardrobe. They're not meant to stand out and the only statement they should give is that you have a fabulous backside and set of legs!

If you'd like to know how you can take care of your jeans to reduce the sagging after your purchase, read my denim care article!

Happy shopping!