Alarna Hope

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Are We Getting Tricked Into Being Boho?

Short answer, yes. And while you might be sitting there at your keyboard or staring at your phone, vigorously shaking your head, because boho style isn't your thing, I hope you hair-sprayed your do today.

This is going to be a lengthy article and you may be shaking your head until I make my point and when I do, you'll see your frizzy-haired reflection in a shop window, straighten yourself up and go far in life because of this knowledge I've bestowed upon you today.


Boho isn't your thing. Or maybe it has been your thing and it's not now, or it could be your thing but you can't pull it off - blah, blah, blah. But for those few seconds you visit those stores like Seed, Zimmerman, Tree Of Life, City Beach and any other boho or beachy inspired store, your idea of your own style gets warped. Lifestyle marketing is a thing and we're all falling victim to it. There's evidence of this in my bottom drawer; I own a sports bra because for a fleeting moment in Lorna Jane I thought A: I'll exercise and B: My AA cup breasts will definitely need strapping down.

Yes, even I have fallen victim to it.

Lifestyle marketing is what helps us make these purchasing decisions when we visit some stores, and it's not just the decor that does this. It's the scents, the music and the feel of the things you touch when you're there. I'm not a boho girl, but I have been tricked into being boho before when I was shopping one day and asked myself why my whole wardrobe wasn't maxi dresses and wedges with big floppy hats and some resemblance of a tan. It's not until I got home with a few of these items (obviously not the tan) that I realised it wasn't me. It was like dress-ups, and dress-ups is fun until you realise that you wasted money on one costume you'll rarely wear, you can't turn your Super Woman costume into the Easter Bunny, it just doesn't work.

And my boho phase just doesn't work with the rest of my wardrobe, because I forgot what my style was. Lifestyle marketing will do that to you, so repeat after me; Lifestyle marketing is the worst.


In this post you'll be able get some tips on getting clear on what your style is so that you don't fall victim to lifestyle marketing and get whisked away to a beach themed store and walk out looking Tahiti freaky. From now on, remember to use these tips to ensure you get home with bags of things that are your style and that you feel fantastic in. Shopping is so not worth it otherwise!


  1. If you have an idea of what you want but don't quite know how to pin-point it, try writing down five words that describe the look you're after, ie: elegant, effortless, classic, tailored and feminine. Then have a look for a few visual examples, these can be celebrities, actresses, images of bloggers in different outfits, etc. Think of a colour scheme for your basics, many opt for black, white, grey and navy, or tan. Then create a bit of a mood board including all of these things, Pinterest is perfect for this.

  2. Ask yourself; Do I know what I already have in my wardrobe? If not, clean it out and make a list of what you need.

  3. Do your research, don't just hit the stores blind - if you shop with a strategy, you'll shop with purpose.

  4. Set a budget, it's easy to overspend when you see the perfect pants, top, accessories and shoes.

  5. Remember those five words every time you pick up an item to buy, if those words can't describe your item, then it's not your item!

Stylist Tip: It's so important to remember what you came into the store to get, but it's so easy to get sidetracked by the lifestyle that the store markets and forget about the style we want and the lifestyle we really have. We don't all sip cocktails on beaches, sometimes we sip them out of flasks at the office- and that requires different attire!